Corporate Governance

Governance of Daewoong Pharmaceutical

Stockholder Composition

as of 12/31/2023
Daewoong, Daewoong Foundation, National Pension Service, Other investors and stockholders

Stockholder Status

as of 12/31/2023  (Unit: stocks, %)
Stockholder Status
Stockholder No. of Stocks Share
Total 11,586,575 100
Daewoong 6,058,200 52.3
Daewoong Foundation 998,453 8.6
Reacquired Stock 80,305 0.7
National Pension Service 815,589 7.0
Other 3,634,028 31.4

Dividend Policy

  • 01Dividend amount determined according to future growth/investment strategy
  • 02Dividend amount determined by considering dividend payout ratio for the past 3 years
  • 03Dividend amount determined by considering dividend payout ratio of the industry
  • 04Dividend amount determined by considering cash flow consistency

Dividend History

Dividend History list
Category FY2023 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019
Cash Dividend Payout Ratio
(Consolidated, %)
5.7 15.7 27.1 50.6 28.1
Cash Dividend Payout Yield(%) 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5
Cash Dividend Payout, Total
(million KRW)
6,904 6,642 6,642 6,458 6,193
Dividend Per Share(KRW) 600 600 600 600 600
Stock Dividend Payout, Total
(million KRW)
- - - - -
Dividend Per Share(Unit) - - - - -

ESG Ratings

Evaluator: Korean Corporate Governance Service(KCGS)
ESG Ratings List
Year Integrated Environmental Social Governance
2023 B+ A A B
2022 B+ B A B
2021 C D B B
2020 B+ B B+ B+
2019 B B B+ B
2018 C B B+ C